I am so incredibly disappointed. I spent half of yesterday figuring out code for my programming lab, and stayed up till 4.30am at my laptop, and I still couldn't work it. :( Seriously. Programming causes much heartache and insanity. I should have taken a photo of my ragged self on my bed, surrounded by piles of notes, with crazed, wide eyes. I kept rummaging through the freaking notes every 5 minutes, when a possible new idea came to me, but still nothing worked. And the only reason I turned in at 4.30 was cause I could hear my granny waking up for morning prayers and I didn't want her to exclaim in shock that I hadn't slept a wink. Otherwise, I think I'd have kept at it till the deadline at 9 am this morning. Which would be nutty, but I was so irritated.
argh. so geram! I was so close to getting it. It was down to two freaking things. But they were essential things that made the output wrong. This means that, no matter how I was on the right track to figuring things out, if I cannot make the output exactly the same as the question states, I fail all test cases and lose 70% of the marks!
It's like giving "Ilikeapples" when they ask for "I like apples", and they give you NO CREDIT AT ALL for cracking your head for more than 24 hours on it. EEESH. Yes, I understand, precision is of the utmost priority in computation, but goddamn it all, is no one going to acknowledge the crazy amount of effort and time that goes into this thing?
And I was so looking forward to going out with my sis today. But now, freaking codes are still swimming around in my head (cause I still haven't worked it out, although I am now powerless to alter my submission). I get so hung up about
getting things.
I now have even greater respect for computer nerds.
Happy New Year, you Chinese people! Even I have elaborate gatherings coming.