Sunday, June 26, 2011

We were talking about how even a smile is charity and that Nabi s.a.w. was called Al-Basam; the one who smiles.

Maybe an important part of life is about smiling regardless of one's situation; I remember reading somewhere that one of the especial people God loves are the happy ones. Perspective, yo! Sometimes, I think everything is perspective, and that if you're smart enough to psycho yourself about anything, then you can kinda deliberately manipulate your mindset to achieve anything.


The truth is that, for the most part, we are not in control. Great forces are at work in our lives, and we cannot work against them. To do so only makes you tired. The only thing to do is to see which way the wind is blowing and set sail in that direction. A skillful sailor can use the sails well, tacking into the wind and cleverly constructing a new course – but this requires keen observation and a deep understanding of and respect for the natural course of things.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

I need to read me a great book.

It's like, after so long not having read something good, I kind of forgot the reasons I love to read. That special gift only exceptional authors have; that way they can phrase something and touch your heart; or put an idea or feeling that you've always had into something simple and beautiful. Everyday, I read chunks of stuff online or anywhere, and it's like ... ... ... boring. And unmoving. And then on special days, unexpectedly, you can find a jewel. It's like a renewal of love.

For once, something on thought catalog moved me with its simplicity. Most of the times, the articles on the site make me go whatever -.-, this is crappy, soulless stuff. But then, someone has something genuine to share, and it's great. And it makes me wish I had something great to read.

Patience is a virtue.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's so hard to find an Arashi vid these days. -.-

But anyway, I've been loving this song for a long time now, and been meaning to look up the lyrics. The music video is lame, but I don't expect much with Johnny's stingy budget. Lucky I still adore the song.

When I touch you, sparkles erupt


Monday, June 20, 2011

I've been having a little of a blogging lull, understandably, since it''s the break and I'm rushing all the fun stuff at one time -- roadtrip-ing, going out and meeting friends, the APEX camp that just ended today, and also all the fun stuff to read and/or watch whilst I can.

Right now though, can I just say that I feel so privileged to come across random inspiring individuals. It brings me to tears, seriously. People who have it hard but they shock you because they're smiling and amazing anyways. Or they do things so out of the way, so completely removed from any obvious benefit on their part, that you wonder at their selflessness and pure-heartedness. It's like, haha, my sis and me like to joke, that some people almost literally glow. (Like if you visited their house, there'd be rainbows and bright light through the door, haha!) They just have this radiating goodness in them and you just feel like you can be a good person in their company, like there's hope in the world or something. I feel these doses of glow people are necessary for me to kind of find my way back when I'm straying.

I remember a friend saying she has a knack for collecting unique and interesting friends, and I like to think she considers me one, heheh. But anyway, I have recently come to realise that my hobby similar to hers is collecting inspiring personas. I never forget them once they've made my heart thud significantly in some way. And I get obsessed over a few (no prizes for guessing who!). This private list of people I've built up, they cross my brain waves now and then, and function like a semangat-boost. I can think of so-and-so and think that, wow, amazing is possible and human.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

"I like them, I like them! I like them first. Before I even met them, I like them! You hate them compared to how much I like them!"

Mort! you crazy adorable thing.

On more important things: I am trying hard to learn and accept that if you keep wanting things, you'll end up wanting more. Like, if you're blind, you'd die to have even one eye; but when you have one eye, you'd do anything to have two eyes. Or when I think about severely disadvantaged kids, I think it'd be great if they could at least move on their own; and if they can move, I think, wouldn't it be great if they could only have their cognitive capabilities straight. And if they can think, wouldn't it be great if they could speak okay. And if the kid's all fine, we want them to be super smart and go to super good schools and become super rich and super famous adults. Or win Nobel prizes or steer the course of history, or stg like that.

Seriously! it doesn't stop if one keeps thinking like this. When you're sick and think you're dying, you're like, God, just let me live, I don't need anything else. But when you're living, you're all I want this, and I want that. From a macro perspective, don't humans make you want to make this face -.-? It's so hard to slap myself and realise that this, this exact moment, is all you need.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

I'm trying hard not to be lame and say something like OMG X-Men: First Class was super-duper-duper AWESOME!!!11!!!!

Almost negligible SPOILERS ahead (because it's a prequel what, right!) but just in case.

It really was awesome, haha. The whole Professor X/Magneto friendship was played out so well by James McAvoy and the other actor (who I am not acquainted with but kinda looks like Daniel Craig). The relationship was so convincingly done, and it makes you kinda just get it, you know; how it all turned out between them and the quiet understanding they have of each other. Like, I know where you stand but this is where I stand, and there's nothing we can do about it. So heartbreaking.

Also, it has to be said, when Kevin Bacon plays the villain, ohhhhman: SO EVIL!!! He is so good at playing bad guy; I wanted to wring his neck myself.

I feel like I haven't had a good hero movie in a while, and this was great. (I really hope I have not been biased too much by McAvoy's presence in the cast; the guy had won me over long ago with his talent. plus he's Scottish! I feel like I've become incapable of objectivity.)


Something I watched today: 7 Rules for Making More Happiness.

It says: Keeping a diary supports personal development.

I agree! I don't know if I've become much to speak of; but having this blog, and also other more private places where I chronicle my thoughts and life, has enabled me to chart my progress or lack thereof. It helps me in the looking back, and like, ohmygod, I can't believe I was like that! with accompanying face-palming. Or more self-affirming: because I was thus, so I am now. Or the important little things that make up who you are and the persons who lie behind the entries, mentioned or not. And what I lacked back then, that hopefully, I've learnt to acquire now. It makes me a bit more confident of life; when I stumble on something, I like to think that hey, maybe this episode will bring something new to my personal tapestry.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

It's been the break, yay. (:

And my plan so far has been loads of television (Vampire Diaries, omgz!) and going out to eat. A short trip to Malaysia coming up and the APEX camp and some (minor) project stuff to deal with. But otherwise, I like the fact that I have nothing to clutter my mind. Calm and peaceful is the aim.


This has been in my head:

I seek refuge in You lest I misguide others, or I am misguided by others; lest I cause others to err or I am caused to err; lest I abuse others or be abused; and lest I behave foolishly or meet with the foolishness of others.
