Tuesday, April 14, 2015

It's been a while!

Lots happening -- including the fact that I have been somewhat homeless for the past week, due to our home being turned upside down for renovation purposes. The family is scattered, and I'm currently bunking at my aunt's place and adhering to stricter house rules than I'm used to, like having to switch off the wifi when we're done. Our wifi at home runs 24/7 non-stop, seeing as how no one knows what a decent hour of sleep is supposed to be.

Anyways, been meaning to blog for days -- of the many things that's worth mentioning, there's this blog that I have taken to devouring, thanks to my brother's random link the other day: The Burning Blogger of Bedlam. It's basically an excellently-written blog that compiles tidbits of news from the world-over, and presents them in a clear and rational narrative, that makes perfect sense. It is both amazing and horrifying -- amazing in the sense of ohmygod, the amount of independent journalism that's out there that we don't know about because it is not publicised in mainstream media (and this blogger is only one of many, and I've yet to slowly discover them all), and horrifying because the picture that is clearly painted is not an encouraging picture of the state of the world. The amount of evil that exists, it's seriously scary. The writer always offers balanced statements and views, and is measured in his words and presentation; at the same time, it isn't dry, but engaging -- and I credit this to his obvious love of pop culture (i.e. films, music, and comics/literature), and apparently he does make a living as an author of some sort.

The thing is, all the news information is out there -- as evinced by the jagazillion links he makes reference to. But because most of us don't have the time to dig them up, much less piece them together so that they make sense, we don't see the big picture. We're utterly blur and so busy with being made to slog for the system (which, don't you see people? it's part of the plan!), we're happy to swallow the stories that are sold on mainstream media. But see, mainstream media is often lying. And I really don't think it's being extreme or controversial anymore to say that. Mainstream media is often lying.

I'm so glad it doesn't take a Muslim to see how much hypocrisy and blatant lying there is out there. It's far too obvious, even if you exert the littlest mental effort.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

You know, for the millionth time in my life, I don't get it. It must be a sin or something to be an idealist.

Being idealistic is fundamentally for the young and to be proven wrong?