Friday, March 13, 2020

I started watching When The Weather Is Fine...
and it's making me long for a holiday;
to some place quiet and beautiful like Shirakawa-go.

The show has a very slow, nostalgic feel, that isn't usually my cup of tea. But maybe it's Park Min Young, and she makes everything watchable, haha -- and maybe I'm in the mood for something reflective, and sweet. There are cute guesthouses in the story, and a bookstore, and a small town where everyone knows each other. And these friends who connect and meet for book club!


I miss this place. Or the feel of that holiday, at least.

It's nice that E and I are always pretty much on the same page on what we want to do when on a trip; also, most of the time, E has a lot of wonderful ideas under her hat and I usually don't say no to them. The most amazing times I had on that trip were literally spent just wandering places, and us saying to each other, "Hey, this looks cool. Do you wanna? Okay, let's!" and stumbling onto places that just turned out surprising and wonderful. It's the perfect type of holiday for our kind of people, I always thought, haha. We plan enough so we don't end up in dangerous places (most of the time), but then we just go with the flow and see what's good. The most classic example was the day we were leaving the mountains and we kept missing the train (because we kept venturing from one thing to another) and thinking we'll just catch the next one, and we ended up leaving in the night later than we meant to. And of course, we were of similar taste on what was deemed good -- random pottery shops, spending hours roaming some garden or park, and reading through the details of tiny museums.

I am due for a holiday, if not for the current global crisis.

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