Friday, March 30, 2018

Jessica Jones.


You're the first female superhero I love;
so full and fleshed-out and 3-dimensional,
and all kinds of wonderful, yay.

(my only gripe/question about Season 2 is -- where on Earth is Luke?
did he just up and disappear?)


eunice said...

Lol... you know Luke has his own series, right? Luke Cage? The order of the Marvel Netflix shows is Daredevil S1 -> Jessica Jones S1 -> Daredevil S2 -> Luke Cage S1 -> Iron Fist S1 -> and then all 4 main characters feature in The Defenders -> Jessica Jones S2. Luke was introduced in JJ S1 as a sort of lead-up to his own series.

The Punisher also came out between The Defenders and JJ S2 but I guess his character isn’t considered part of the Marvel Defenders team-ish thing.

sham b said...

Oh I had heard of the Defenders but didn’t know Luke had his own thing. :P so what, I’d have to watch that to know what happens to him?! Evil marketing schemes.