Sunday, January 01, 2017

Happy 2017!

I said I'd put a photo-montage to wrap up 2016 so I shall, although it's late,
cause my family was playing board games all night.
And this shall not be completely depressing.

Unfortunately, the photos I've compiled are more of the second half of this year, 
because the first half seems like eons ago now.
I can barely remember what happened except that I got to see Scotland again.

L and I at Roys et Vouz, Telok Ayer Street, 
to celebrate completion of SPOT training (:

A trip to Batam with old friends (and yes, it is with horror that I am realising 
my uni friends are considered old friends now), masquerading as a hen night thing for K.

It was a funny, cosy night that involved doing silly worksheets (I kid you not) about weddings/marriages -- just so we fulfilled the hen night portion of it haha. 
We played The Game of Life, and had heartfelt sharings about what marriage was.


Then the next day we met Royqah 
who is such a pleasant little girl!

This is even older friends,
finally meeting up again.
We meet so rarely, it's almost a given that presents are necessary.

And behaving like we're kids still.
(I still insist that it is a sheep.)

More meet-ups with old friends -- and my gosh,
this was a hilarious night. We were literally a stone's throw from the mosque
and we ended up in a bar (somewhat; my dad would kill me if he knew) because the cafe was closed;
we would have adjourned except that my also-Muslimah friend was like, "It's okay one! This place is small and cafe-like and chill and we can order non-alcoholic stuff in the same way. Just tell them what you feel like having." So apparently one is supposed to order in the form of adjectives like, "I want something happy." or "Surprise me." and then you'd get your drink. So we were being so suaku and noisy and when we finally decided on our adjectives and called the waitress over to order pseudo-alcoholic drinks, the azan (i.e. the Islamic call to prayer) blared, and I was like, NO NOT NOW! 

Because ohmygod, although we technically were ordering halal drinks -- just, it felt sinful enough;
we laughed so hard because ohmygoodness what were we doing!

So we waited for the azan to finish and then ordered.
And honestly, all this was, was an extra limey yuzu soda thingum.
and very pretty.

A brand new fandom. I adore BTS now, 
and look at how fun and crazy this fandom is!

I can't believe I actually get these memes.

they're so nutso and fun and talented and entertaining.

this is my favourite -- so funny:

this is here because it reminds me of the most memorable Book Club read this year
i.e. The Element by Sir Ken Robinson

We talked a lot about passions, truths, and education;
which led to some drama but ohwells, 
I have been thinking that maybe drama is life, life is drama;
and that if you don't shake up your life enough,
it means you're not living passionately, maybe.

Visiting Datin S in Seremban! So memorable.
And when I was there, I really felt... 
not so much old, but mature, adult. Independent.
Maybe it's the taking a plane by myself, 
or staying with a friend's family by myself,
or being the only Muslim in a world of non-Muslims 
(which is a standard story of my life but--)
and being able to hold my own.
Knowing who I am, what I like, what I'm capable of.
And finding it easier and easier to meet new people
and get along fantastically with them anyway.

Maybe being fully-adult is having a solid core in your self
to rely on

 both my parents are now happily (I hope!) retired
and our hilarious family conversations continue...

(so there was a sudden increase in roaches when the new Tampines Hub 
near our place was finishing its construction work, 
and of course some started creeping into our flats too! the horror...)

Book club meetings with babies now
making discussions not-so-easy. 
M has taken to always leaving her baby with daddy
so we can discuss better.

I adore my friends' babies as I adore them.

Every year, learning this.

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