Wednesday, January 04, 2017

All things considered, today was a great first work day of 2017.

*First pleasant surprise: an unexpected job promotion! although it should very well be expected, considering the number of years and the fact that my bond is up in a few days and they likely don't want me to run away. But you know, I've been so busy just surviving hospital life, and then planning this major change in March, that it never crossed my mind. And more money does always feel good no matter how immune you think you are.

*And then, I had so few patients! After the crazy deluge the last week of 2016 (back-to-back patients for almost 3-days-straight that virtually killed me), it was a nice breather.

*And then, because I was being in a no-mood-to-socialise-depressed-self, I told one of my friends that I was going to hole myself up in my room at lunchtime (it's nice how we all understand each others' space and needs and how people know S is a super-introvert and she needs downtime by herself, leave her alone); but after a moment, F returned and said, "Can I just sit here and lunch with you?" And we were going to happily lunch in relative quietness when another of our friends popped in her head and was like, "Heeeeeyyyyy, why are you two lunching here..... I want to join!" And the three of us had a nice cosy lunch instead of my planned depressed lonesome lunch, and I realised, and it was verbalised, that ohmygoodness, I am going to miss these people. Very very much. I think I might cry if they go through with the farewell thing which isn't supposed to be a farewell actualllyyyy...

This always seems to happen to me -- I say the place is crap, or there are so many greener pastures elsewhere -- but when it comes down to it, I realise I've grown so attached to a place, and I get nervous about leaving, and I think, Do I really want to leave? 

Goodness. In my past Roman life, I must have been a plebeian. So easily swayed.

*Then dinner was with E. And though we shockingly discovered, Hei Sushi in Bedok is no more (oh no, whatever shall we do for sushi fixes nowwwww; Pasir Ris is so not convenient...), dinner was still good. And we had our usual super long chat.

And I realise that, while E and I are different on the Feeling vs Thinking front (she's all logical, I'm all feely), I often underestimate her ability to comprehend my feelings or falsely think that she would call out on the ridiculousness of my feelings. Because at the end of the day, we perceive the world so similarly. She actually gets why I do the supposed crazy things I do; and it's so satisfying to have someone truly understand why you did something, although she will still headdesk at you HAHA. It's like how I maybe understand her need to conceptualise or understand everything on this earth, but I will want to headdesk at her.

And on nights like this, we bitch about SJs, albeit with an awareness of our inherent bias. SJs, and S people in general -- eeeesh: Some days, we wish we were more like you because you seem to live with less abstract pain.

Then this song accompanied my walk home... (:


plonks said...

(This is JW! Heh!)

"And on nights like this, we bitch about SJs, albeit with an awareness of our inherent bias. SJs, and S people in general -- eeeesh: Some days, we wish we were more like you because you seem to live with less abstract pain."

OMG this is so true!! The primary SJ in my life, my mom, is a prime example. And she is also a T to boot. Hahahah. I get so exasperated with her but sometimes I wish I was more like her. Oh well.

Shamiah said...

ISTJ, OMG YES. Everytime E and I fantasise about creating our own schools, we then think about getting our ISTJ friend (i.e. YJ) to actually carry out all the admin. Hehe.

ISTJs appear to live life simple, on-the-ground, realistic, and super efficient. Singapore's ultimate citizen, I say.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, they rly seem to be! And the fantasy abt setting up your own school, you never Know! One day two of u rly just might! And I could do HR hahaha
