Saturday, December 26, 2015

some love stories are really forever

This isn't my wrap-up post for the year, although I've been really, really meaning to -- but the family just watched Dilwale together hehe, and I just wanted to post this:

Honestly, the plot was so weak, it barely crawled. 

But if anything, this was a tribute to the Shak Rukh-Kajol pairing 
that has spanned more than 20 years; and that, I fully support.

Seriously, the both of them on-screen together is just so awesome, 
I'm starting to wonder which pairing in Bollywood could ever replace them! 
And juxtaposed against the young couple pairing in this movie 
only highlighted the amazing chemistry even more.
Not to mention that Kajol looks inexplicably gorgeous -- how on Earth.

2015 coming to a close soon, my friends. And yes, I owe a blog post.

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