Sunday, December 13, 2015

my reflection post for the year is due, it being December! Subhanallah how this year has flown, and every year seems to be flying by faster.

Don't think I have the energy to give a full reflection piece yet, but maybe a quick wrap-up of the main events of the year -- like my brother getting married and therefore me gaining another sister. Sisters are always great to have! (:

Also, this year has record number of friends having babies!

Pigey being the most recent, and the most...
jarring? is that the word to describe the feeling?
I mean -- it doesn't feel that long ago 
when we were all kids ourselves and being thoroughly silly and immature.
How is it that one of us has a kid? Haha.

Also, this is just lovely and should be kept.
Tala'al badru 'alaina -- 
one of those songs my siblings and I learnt before we properly learnt to talk
and this makes very big fuzzy feelings in my heart.

after all the hate, seriously -- I cried like mad watching the Canadian PM giving his speeches.
Ya Rasulullah, please let your light shine in deserving hearts.

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