Saturday, April 14, 2012

:( heartbreaking! This drama is killing me. But thank goodness for our lovely heroine. She's always trying to do something to save the situation/her beau. I get a headache looking at how hard she's thinking and how zombified she's becoming without the sleep. I'm wondering how she hasn't gone ballistic yet; I would have taken a knife and started slashing at all the evil people around me, hahaha. Hey, even our hero already had a breakdown okay. Everybody has a limit. And when she finally creeps at night to get a sword, I'm like YES!!!!! Finally! She's going to resort to violence. XD HAHAHA. I couldn't take it anymore. If I were her, I'd say, Abuji, what's the use of me living if my whole family is like this?


Anonymous said...

If I were her, I'd say, Abuji, what's the use of me living if my whole family is like this?

this made me LOL in real life!! XD


Shamiah said...

hahaha! but really right! Anyway, I finished it on the train this morning. Will maybe post my thoughts on it the next time....