Thursday, April 19, 2012

Somebody should really stop me from this korean drama wave I'm on. Danger, danger da yo!

I finished The Princess's Man, and it now sits in my top favourite kdramas list (together with Iljimae and City Hunter). I had an issue with the ending though - it's a bit of an anticlimax. But the middle was just too great to relegate it to a bad drama list. The chemistry was also pretty insane.

And now, I've started Love Rain, which is currently airing. :\ It really doesn't help that I can find it online relatively easily and also watch it on trains!!! It makes my journeys to work bearable. It has become like my soma (read: Aldous Huxley's Brave New World).

And Love Rain, named after the song a guy writes for a girl he says he doesn't love -- yes, I watch more of twisted, complicated relationships. This guy needs to be slapped upside the head for being a big stupid idiot. Stupid is stupid is STUPID!!!!!!!!! The girl should really throw heavy stuff at him.

I cannot take anymore of idiotic behaviour.

I MUST STOP WATCHING THESE EMO STUFFS. Maybe after placement, I'll get some sanity back.

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