Monday, June 20, 2011

I've been having a little of a blogging lull, understandably, since it''s the break and I'm rushing all the fun stuff at one time -- roadtrip-ing, going out and meeting friends, the APEX camp that just ended today, and also all the fun stuff to read and/or watch whilst I can.

Right now though, can I just say that I feel so privileged to come across random inspiring individuals. It brings me to tears, seriously. People who have it hard but they shock you because they're smiling and amazing anyways. Or they do things so out of the way, so completely removed from any obvious benefit on their part, that you wonder at their selflessness and pure-heartedness. It's like, haha, my sis and me like to joke, that some people almost literally glow. (Like if you visited their house, there'd be rainbows and bright light through the door, haha!) They just have this radiating goodness in them and you just feel like you can be a good person in their company, like there's hope in the world or something. I feel these doses of glow people are necessary for me to kind of find my way back when I'm straying.

I remember a friend saying she has a knack for collecting unique and interesting friends, and I like to think she considers me one, heheh. But anyway, I have recently come to realise that my hobby similar to hers is collecting inspiring personas. I never forget them once they've made my heart thud significantly in some way. And I get obsessed over a few (no prizes for guessing who!). This private list of people I've built up, they cross my brain waves now and then, and function like a semangat-boost. I can think of so-and-so and think that, wow, amazing is possible and human.

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