Thursday, March 25, 2010

Trying not to freak out. Received email about submission dates for FYP; and my examiners are okay - because they're Prof Chen YZ and Prof Low BC. Both nice and not threatening. But one still wishes to impress. And MATLAB is being evil for reasons I cannot fathom. Less than a week left and it's being cranky and won't let me run my model without screwing up. WHHHY. And hence I have still yet to substantially validate my pathway model! The only thing I could verify is the fact that more RhoGDP means more RhoGTP, which is seriously DUH. The major parts I need to validate are still not validated, because MATLAB, you are making things difficult!

MOU. STRESS. Please MATLAB, please work. And please let my model make sense, thanks.

I feel like running away from the rest of my modules now, but UGH. CAN'T. This is what I get for being too blardy ambitious when I know I love being a drifter, and for loving too many things at once.

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