Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Haha, I totally always wanna do THIS.

If there's one thing I need to learn, it's to stay focused. I got distracted, again. Although I woke up this morning deciding to work on all my Structural Bio assignments and get them done, so I can leave all the time later for my FYP report, I ended up going to the blog Mel linked to (whose author graduated from Cambridge, hails from a self-declared aristocratic Singaporean family - should such a thing exist - and is atrociously arrogant; I enjoy reading this like I enjoy watching the Kardashians on tv, hehe). And in consequence, I became acquainted with the whole Dawn Yang fiasco a couple or so years back. And all other related local celebrity scandals and gossip. It reminded me of all the MsScribe and Cassandra Claire scandals that happened within HP fandom. It was just... fascinating. Humans are weird and basically stupid, a lot of the time. And if you don't remind yourselves now and again that, hey, you're going to die and what are you doing with your life, you get stuck in this loop of materialism and self-love. @.@ It's just scary, please.

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