Sunday, March 28, 2010

Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess. ~ Oscar Wilde

I am inclined to agree with this, because I have played the Word Search game on my iPod relentlessly on train journeys to and from school, and have now attained a mind-boggling score of 8 words in 24 seconds. :P I get obsessed and competitive sometimes, hehe. It reminds me of my childhood days; when computers were starting to appear in civilian homes like ours, and Windows Version 3.1 had desktop games like Jewel Thief. Muaha, I played that game almost non-stop the moment I finished my homework (completed as fast as possible, without getting out of my school uniform) and reached like Level 20, I think, which no one else ever could reach. I also played Mario a lot; I remember those things vividly. People often had the misconception that I went home to mug or stg (even in primary school, people thought I loved to study; seriously, whut.), but oh, they don't know me. I think I did play a great deal, and how little some kids play these days, in this stressful world, is a sad thing.

Supposed to submit an application for the tech transfer traineeship thing soon... :s but I'm not so sure about it anymore. It doesn't feel very right. I think I seriously considered this because I wanted to have another option besides research and they accepted fresh grads. And okay, it seemed to me initially that I'd fit in since it was about information transfer and communication, and I have a belief that my strength lies somewhere there. But I don't know now! The word 'commercialisation' or 'corporation' always puts me off... bah. I should just submit it and if it happens, it happens. I have decided to let fate decide, because I never really know what's good for me anyway.

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