Friday, November 13, 2009

As usual, one foot is in fandom although I'm supposed to be studying. But eeeps! Sho's and Maki's new drama (about some legal officers with clashing personalities trying to make the world a better place) is making me too excited, I can't help myself.

And I totally agree with this statement by helloyourself:

Maki + Arashi is second to Mao + Arashi for me in terms of enjoyment. Third is Becky + Arashi, because man, Nino's bitchiness when Becky gushes over Hanadan? SHEER GOLD. Really, Arashi + girl is just super awesomesauce. THERE SHOULD BE MORE ARASHI GEN HET.

HAHA. This feels good; I feel like it's been some time since fandom made me ditzy.

And I feel like helloyourself is just out to win me over, no matter what; their lines crack me up! For instance, I feel compelled to look up dbsk stuff because their gushing over Jaejoong leaves me seriously breathless with laughter:

Because when you look past the carved gorgeousness and fragility in his face and then lower to his arms of God and actually pay attention to his actions and words, you come away with the, you're a huge dork. And I LOVE THAT.

Witness the Jaejoong flail here.

And oh, I think I've left the Yamaki boat. It was a wonderful almost-2-years affair. Haha.


Okay, I am enforcing an exam hiatus on myself. Cannot lah, otherwise. Ja!

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