Monday, May 25, 2009

I was sifting through old email exchanges, and read one I had with Yujie, where we were discussing tanned guys versus fair guys. XD In general, we established that tanned guys = sporty guys = more attractive guys. Haha. But then Yujie cited Shirota Yuu who is supposedly fair and sporty. (actually... O.o I don't think so. He's just an absolute cam-whore, IMO.)

"Yes, I guess there are definitely people who are fair AND sporty anyway... but somehow, the tanner guy will still seem tougher? haha. I don't know. And at the end of the day, the fairness of the skin factors little in your total impression of the guy, right? Like only 2% max? haha. Like if you have a tan guy who rock climbs BUT THEN he smokes, and drinks excessively, and is a reputed playboy and steals from his mum's purse VERSUS a fair guy who plays ping-pong or doesn't play at all (HAHA, I'm so discriminating, aren't I?) but has amazing manners and tutors orphans on weekends, OF COURSE YOU'D CHOOSE THE FAIR DUDE RIGHT! :P"

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