Thursday, May 28, 2009

Suddenly, I'm loving Nino's Niji a lot and I'm playing it multiple times a day. It has such a sweet yet melancholy melody. I can't get it out of my head. And one time, while listening to it, I cried, because haiyoh, there's something about it that pulls at one's heartstrings. It's so sayu.

And here's a wonderful HYD fanvid with the song. The lyrics do fit the context well.


Tomorrow, exam results will be released. But I really really don't want to look at it. I need to gather enough strength and courage and steely-ness before I lay my eyes on my grades. Also, I am freaking tired of worrying about my non-existent FYP status. I shall just suspend my worry for a while. Am taking a break tomorrow. Going cycling with my buddies. :) yay.

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