Saturday, March 14, 2009

:S Does that look like a guilty face? I need a guilty face here. GUILTY!!!

Went to Johor with my parents today. JOHOR, OKAY. When I haven't started on my math assignment due monday. And even though I'm back now, I can't bring myself to start it. Every time I have work, it feels like I'm lugging a big rock. The inertia is truly terrible.

But dang it. Johor shopping was good. And it was a short one too.

Also, apparently, I haven't shaken the hardworking image off of me. I thought I'd lost it for good. Until someone said, "Oh, you're doing your honours right! No problem eh since you love studying!"

Oh, what the world must think of me. -_______________-

I replied, "Eheheh... Love studying? Me?" Hello, learning is different from studying. I'll admit to loving books and being fascinated by a lot of things people find mundane. But hello, who loves studying?! I abhor it! If I'd loved it, my CAP would be sky high, please. And it isn't, I promise you. I'd love for it to be so though.

okay emo-ness shall stop. goodnight!

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