Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thinking about the Mumbai attacks can cause severe depression, I think. I just. DDDDD: am utterly sad. And disappointed. And angry. And just D: x 100000. I think the rest of us need to be told, "Ganbatte!" That we can survive this somehow. That it'll be better someday.

Database exam was okay. But I realise I still don't really really get the point of relational calculus and relational algebra. :s It muddles me. I really want to try learning mySQL, apache and PHP by myself this break. Just cause. It'd be cool to be able to create my own database system. And yes, I suppose it'd be handy for honours project, if it crops up or stg.

On happier things: Tego and Maki are apparently really really going to appear together in a movie!!! XD Yaayyyy. Source here. The movie is an adaptation of the English novel, "Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac" by Gabrielle Zevin and directed by Hollywood filmmaker Hans Canosa. News were all rife about Matsuyama Kenichi (L from Death Note) and Horikita Maki co-starring again... but how could they not mention Tegoshi earlier??? Wouldn't he just bring more anticipation for the movie? Haha. Tegoshi is apparently going to play the nerdy best friend? Not sure. This movie has now become a must-see for me. Think I might go get the book too! :D YAY. BORDERS shopping spree, Eunice? I already have three books on my reading list this break! -- The Fire Kimono, Tales of Beedle the Bard (!!!) and this one.

Maki's JE infiltration continues. Haha. Oh GOD. You know what we would love??? A TegoMaki photoshoot! Then we can perhaps confirm the wholeTego-looks-like-Maki-and-vice-versa issue. gosh. A field-day for fandom. XD I would so buy the mag even if I dont understand a word of it.

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