Sunday, October 19, 2008

Somewhat done with my second protein review. :s But I still feel very... worried. Work is such a pain.

I can tell this entry is turning into an unproductive ramble (when is it not, eh?), so you can go now, and save yourself some time. Ahah.


Um, just wanna post a HeySayJUMP vid.

How is it that HeySay gets such a cool vid and NEWS gets a cartoon-y one!? Okay, maybe it's in the context of the song, but still! This PV ekes coolness. Why can't NEWS have more cool. JE needs more cool and less lame sometimes (although the lame is part of why they're so entertaining), and this worked. Also: wow. Yamada and Yuto all grown up. @_@ I don't think I need more things to spaz about, thank you.


Why did the APEX raya thing not happen? Sad. But I was too busy anyway to go ask or anything. My head's been such a mess lately. And the semester has reached the typical breaking point - the time when work is stretching everyone thin and everyone is just waiting eagerly for the term to end.

I think I need some shuteye. Finally finished referencing the protein review at 12+ last night. Only slept at 4 am after composing crazy long email to Duckie (hello, I really cannot wait for you to come back home already!) and then woke up at 9 am groggily to tutor Faisal with math. Some rest would be good.

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