Thursday, September 11, 2008

Semester time is not a good time for blogging. I need inspiration for writing. And being bogged down by worries of assignments and lack of grasp of module concepts is far from conducive for inspiration. All I feel like doing sometimes is keyboard smashing in frustration or something. I just. Feel. Tired.

This is where a break into song would be appropriate: I want to break free. I want to break free! You know. That song. Okay, nevermind.

At the back of my mind, I keep thinking how I want to sit down and blog properly. You know, some nice honest from the heart ponderings. But for that, timing is crucial! Now ain't the time. With Ramadhan, I just feel constantly sleepy, and it's maddening because hell, now's the time to do more good, not to grumble about lack of time and fatigue and frustrations. oh gah. I need to shut up.

So anyway, since I figured my mood isn't all good, I'm going to do less with the words for now and more with pics or random fan postings.

And today, I found something interesting from kamika's blog: a new British show called Lost in Austen, about a Pride-and-Prejudice-obsessed girl who got transported into the world of the book and meets the Bennets and Bingley and Darcy and all of them. It's quite amusing. I say, there is no end to the Austen obsession.

Link to the first episode here. If you feel like checking it out, do it QUICK! Because you never know when youtube will rip it off.

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