Wednesday, July 02, 2008


This morning, just when we finally finished the x-ray filming for western blot (a method for detecting proteins, fyi), there was an emergency evacuation for all ibn staff. For a second I was like @_@. But then when we finally got out into the open, it turned out to be some airconditioning problem and the safety people feared we would suffocate from the stuffiness. -_- Honestly, I think none of us noticed it. It felt the same as always. Such things are disruptive! like if you were running some time-based experiment or something or incubating your cells with trypsin, which when left too long, KILLS THE CELLS - I would have been truly irritated.

I am so so so psyched for The Dark Knight, because apparently Heath Ledger's performance might go down in history as the best Joker ever.

Did I say I was sleepy? I am sleepy. -_-

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