Friday, June 20, 2008

Sis and me are having a heartfelt conversation with granny about relationships and stories of our parents and how girls should rightfully be home by dusk. HAHA.

And how members of our family are all somehow slowly getting hitched with Indians. Like Kaktiyah. And Bubu. And Kak Ilah. And my brother too. And my granny's like, "Eh, korang janganlah, eh! Tak nak mama jugak. Kesian Abah." Because everyone knows how hung up my dad is about us marrying an Arab. -____-

And then, me and sis, in absolute unison said, "Kita nak Jepun!" And then we screamed in laughter together. It was seriously hilarious. Oh, our JE-riddled brains. :p But really! At this stage, I think I'd choose a Yamapi over an Abang Dolah, if you know what I mean. Okay, you probably don't, but nevermind.

I just want true love, daddy, thank you.

More of my mice died, by the way. I am fearful. :s And I think I maimed one of them during imaging today, haha. Like I was a bit rough with him and almost cracked his skull or something. :s If I could apologise properly to it, I would. I'd say gratefully, "Thank you for dedicating your little precious lives to science. May god reserve nice fields of wheat for you in heaven."

I've also been thinking: how people perceive me as an uberly serious person. (Like today, although I really wasn't feeling sad but just thinking about the deconvolution image problem, Irene asked me why I was sad! And I was like, "Eh?!" Do I have a perpetual melancholic expression or something???). Most times I think I'm actually like the most blur, whacked, dreamy-in-the-clouds person on earth. Like I was visiting Archana's mice the other time. And the black ones are really tinier and more active or something and one was swinging from the top of the cage like a trapeze artist, and I just spoke naturally to it, "What are you doing, you psychotic mouse!" To which, to my surprise, Archana burst out laughing. And my first reaction was like, "Eh?" And with some thought, I somehow came to realise what comes naturally to me might seem nutty to others.

okay, time for sleep. APEX camp tomorrow!

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