Thursday, April 05, 2007

3 more weeks to the end of this crazy sem.

I had a damn scary dream yesterday. It's one of those dreams where you don't even know you fell asleep and you wonder if the dream is actual reality. It happened in the morning, after subuh prayer, when I decided to sleep in a bit because my lectures started in the afternoon. The door of my room was closed, the curtains were shut tight and it was fairly dark. I was laying on my side, just thinking. Then my sister, whose bed is right next to mine and whose silhouette I could make out clearly, started making grinding noises with her teeth and started fidgeting in her sleep. She kicked me with her leg and scratched her hair.

And then it hit me. It was supposed to be 6.30 am. On a freaking weekday. MY SISTER IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE IN BED. And it started dawning on me that it wasn't my sister, because my sister had made her bed and gone off to school! I couldn't breathe for a while. And then I started to inch my hand to the night light switch but the thing realised that I realised, woke up and grabbed my hand! I tell you I was so freaked. I couldn't make out this 'thing's' face (thank god) because of the dark but she sort of started smiling sinisterly, I think. Like she thought it was damn funny that she tricked me. Or maybe she was surprised I figured it out or something. And she wouldn't let go of my wrist, and that words-stuck-in-throat feeling came. I was pleading to God for it to let me go. And after selawating a couple of times, it was gone and I... woke up. I think. My sister's bed was nicely made and very empty and it was quiet. And it was 7 am.

I laid quietly in bed for a while trying to process what happened, switched on the night light (at 7am. pooh.) and then after a moment's contemplation, went back to sleep with no more disturbances.

When I related this to my sister, she was like, "AND YOU WENT BACK TO SLEEP?!?!" Yar. I was tired. And I really convinced myself it was just a dream at that point. I don't know now. It was strange. But I'm still not very afraid - not as much as I should be. You got to assert yourself in your own house. No ghost should succeed in kicking you out of your own comfy bed if you want to get some much-needed sleep.

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