Sunday, January 08, 2006

Lately, I've always been picturing a shovel in my mind. To dig a hole with. And then for me to jump in and shut the world out, just for a little while. Or maybe, I could have a button for blanking out. Anytime, when my emotions seem to get the best of me, I could just press the button, and think nothing for a while and come back when the urge to scream subsides.

I am a scary, morbid person. Sometimes.

Anyway, have had a week of teaching. And already, the kids are starting to grow on me. At least, the ones I see everyday, and especially those 14 P5 kids whom I teach math. They're very weak in math but some of them truly want to learn. I have the most fun with them. Although they dont know the answers to most questions, they're eager to try. And it's always, 'Cher! Cher! I dont know how...' And there's this absolutely cute boy, not guy cute, but little boy cute... I feel like hugging him sometimes. His name is Said, and he has this irresistable, mischievous twinkle in his heavily-lashed eyes. I was asking him what comes after 999, and he had a look of utter concentration on his face that made me want to laugh out loud and hug him at the same time. And I had to tell him it was 1000.

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