Tuesday, September 14, 2004

I hate superposition. It is driving me nuts. And I am only at the stationary waves part. Don't bloody mention intereference or diffraction yet. Yuck, yuck, yuck. Ugh. I am struggling to finish studying all my subjects. Simultaneously.

And yet I still come here. It keeps me sane, I think. Besides, a life unexamined is not worth living.

I had a very fun civics lesson today! Laughed so much. We played a very interesting game called Suaku. Ms Lo distributed 5 M&Ms to each of us. And we were not to eat any of it yet. After that, taking turns, everyone had to say aloud what they haven't done before. For instance, you could say, "I haven't been on a rollercoaster before." In response to this, the rest of the class is to stand up if they have ridden a rollercoaster. And eat one M&M. At the end of it all, the person with the most M&Ms left is labelled a suaku.

Oh my goodness. We had so much fun. The confessions ranged from, "I haven't eaten snails before" (To which a few people stood up and confessed to have eaten snails.) to "I haven't reared chickedns before" to "I haven't gone on a date before" (To which, sadly, no one responded.)

On my turn, the girls were squealing like crazy for me to say, "I haven't had a crush on anyone on this class before." We were trying to sabo some people you see... And so I did. But really... who would have confessed to have had a crush on a classmate... Only Addy put up her hand... And Joel stood up. A certain someone we're always teasing didn't. Haha.

Was hoping to reach home at 3 pm today. But unfortunately, the moment I stepped out of the MRT station, it started raining cats and dogs. Cursing, I made my way towards the bus interchange. I really hate taking the bus nowadays. I'd rather have a nice walk home. So I took the bus. And got off at a bus stop. (Goodness. Where else would I get off...) Following that, I tried to keep out of the rain as I made my way towards my block of flats. Walked round and round and back and forth, looking for those sheltered linkways. And there were huge mighty puddles everywhere. Halfway through it all, I started laughing at myself. It really was pretty funny... That's the problem with myself. I have no problem laughing on my own. And God forbid anyone might see me. I really am insane. (I still can't forget the way Stephanie looked at me and said, "Why are you smiling at your plate of noodles?" back in Sec 2.) Finally reached home at 3.40 pm.

Kindly contributed by Sowmya: A short fortune teller who has run away is a small medium at large.

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