Saturday, September 11, 2004

I have been guilty of the one thing I'd been complaining about a few months ago. Blog hopping.

But I didn't plan to blog hop! It just happened accidentally-on-purpose. I was visiting a friend's blog. A friend who I know pretty well. And I saw a link at her blog that made my eyes go wide. I was thinking, why should she be linked to this person? And I just kept clicking. And gasping. And clicking. And gasping. And I ended up at a blog far from the first person.

Felt a bit guilty.

But also felt enlightened. There are people out there who are really pretty good writers. And are able to express certain things I can't. Ah. Such talent.

I also realised that all RJ students mention promos every two entries at least. Or something about studies. I wonder if that happens for say, students from the UK. I wonder.

Am feeling pretty scared as well. Who knows who has read my ridiculous blog, which only existed for myself and close friends. Wish I had some way of tracking the people who have visited.

And people talk a lot about school. 80% about school.

I seem to split it half-half with books and fiction. Which proves how much I live in the dream world.

I suddenly recalled Yea Tian's beautiful poem entitled, 'apple'.

do you see?

that is why I close my eyes.

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