Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Having quite a headache over this CCA business. What on earth should I join?! I don't think photography is my call anymore... and I just want to do something different. There's Perbayu and I think I'll join that... but no way am I going to debate again. NO WAY. I am not going to stand on stage and have myself suffer through speeches and confusing debate motions.

Jean was suggesting fencing. My first reaction was... "Yeah, right... Like I can do any sport..." But then, when I thought over it... I realised, it wouldn't be so bad. It's not exactly a typical sport. And it's interesting... because it involves learning certain special moves... like feinting, and blocking and all that. Wouldn't it be cool to know how to fence? It'd be like knowing how to fight. Knowing swordplay! Like Lymond!!! OMG! Or like DT Draco and Harry! Or like the musketeers! Unfortunately... fencing is expensive. It's a rich kids' game. $600 for a suit, assuming they can find a size for me. I can't foresee myself asking my dad for that much money. Already, asking him for textbook money is difficult enough. The chances of him agreeing are close to nil.

So what then? Photography? Fall back on that?

Or choir. Jean wants to go for auditions. Singing?! ME?! Can I? I wonder. I haven't actually sung out loud for anyone to judge me. I don't even know if I sound completely horrid. But I like singing. And I don't mind staying long hours after school to sing and learn nice new songs, as opposed to staying long hours for training, for instance. I think... I have a chance of getting in. That really slim chance. The biggest hurdle, I suppose, is the audition. Would I have to sing in front of a panel of judges... alone? Quite certain that's how it works. Oh dear. Thinking about it alone is enough to scare me half to death. Should I give it a shot anyway? SHOULD I?

What will my family think? CHOIR?! This is so not me.

But hey, who am I? I don't think I know.

Maybe I'll just go... and pretend I'm singing in the shower when they audition me.

And I'll keep my options open for tomorrow, the CCA fest.

CRIPES. Remembered that Malay class starts tmr. Please let me have Aisyah in the same class or else I'll die of awkwardness and loneliness and unable-to-fit-in syndrome. Bah. I'm exaggerating.

Haven't done Tutorial 0!!! Which is due tmr! What is my problem...? Doing 1 before 0... I must learn to count.

The fact that DV 14 is STILL NOT HERE is killing me. June 6 suddenly seems quite near though. YAY. How paradoxical. *insane laughter*

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