Tuesday, December 03, 2002

I read DV 11! I read DV 11! I read DV 11! I can continue saying that for hours. Oh my god! I have lots to say... So, for those starting to get hooked to DT but haven't read this much-anticipated latest chapter, you better skip the following parts if you don't want any spoilers. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Firstly, I think this chapter contains much less humour than the previous ones. Maybe it's because 99% of the time, Harry and Draco are not together to make cruel and snide remarks to each other. Yes, the two soully-and-mentally-connected best friends are separated... and there's so much misunderstanding between them. I can't stand it! Harry thinks that the complete antidote for the poison has been found. So he thinks that Draco is going to survive it. So he leaves without Draco. He left the letter to Draco explaining everything, but Tom Riddle in the form of utterly-boring-and-pesky Seamus had to come into the picture and ruin everything. Sigh. Seeing crushed Draco is soooo heart-wrenching. Oh God... poor, poor Draco. He's "painfully honest".

There's quite a bit of D/G here. I'm glad. Draco is confusing. We still have no idea what he really feels for Ginny. He can be cruel to her, but according to him he has his reasons, but he can also be incredibly gentle too. Hmm. Ginny was right to bring this up:

She pulled away. "Don't," she said. "You think it's kind, but it's not kindness."

"I'm not kind," he said. "Never that."

She stepped away from him, backwards down the stairs. "Then what are you?" she said. "Do you even know?"

That is soo right. What a complex character Draco is.

I've got another quote regarding Ginny's boy dilemma; featuring the twins!

"Boyfriend problems," said George sagely, pointing at her with the end of the quill he'd been chewing on. "I suspect little Ginny's been having boyfriend problems."

"Ah, but which boy?" wondered Fred portentously. "The dashing yet otherwise occupied Harry Potter? The stalwart yet tedious Seamus Finnigan? The redeemed-yet-still-sarcastic Draco Malfoy?"

"Seamus didn't seem at all tedious to me," protested Mrs. Weasley.

"Seamus and I broke up," said Ginny, in a leaden tone.

"And good riddance!" cried her mother. "I hated him on sight!"

"Oh, for goodness sake," Ginny wailed. "And Fred, I don't even know why you'd mention Harry, you know perfectly well I've been over him for ages."

"I suppose that leaves Malfoy," said George regretfully. "Which is too bad. You'll spend the rest of your life competing with his hair products for attention and fighting over which one of you is the prettiest."

"And let me tell you," added Fred, "Malfoy will win."

Haha! But I have to agree with Fred. Malfoy WILL win.

Let's see, what else did I wanna say... Oh yes, Tom is so very EVIL. I imagine him as Christian Coulson. Christian is the perfect 17-year-old Tom. And he is currently residing in the oh-so-boring Seamus. "He's got no personality himself", so plenty of room for Tom's. I have no idea why I dislike Seamus so much in this trilogy. Maybe it's because he was interfering with the D/G aspect of the story. Hmph.

There's a lof of flashbacks too this time. How Blaise slowly figured out about the "Gryffindor conspiracy". It throws Blaise and Pansy into a whole new light. Blaise truly cares for Draco, and Pansy has feelings for Ron. Maybe these poor Slytherin girls are more than sluts. Maybe they just need guys who are more than just big troll-like bodies and empty vessels as heads. I'm talking about Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe. Hah.

One last thing, something that left me gaping in horror and disbelief. All along, I have been aware that Cassie, the oh-so-ingenious writer of DT, mixes around with people who are interested in slash fics. In other words - same sex relationships. I have no hesitation in saying that the whole idea disgusts me. A Harry/Draco ship is something "pukable" and inconceivable to me. So... just imagine my shock when I read this...

"You always have to make such a big deal out of everything," he said, and then he did exactly the last thing Harry would ever have expected, and leaned across the small space that separated them, and kissed Harry on the mouth. The chapter ended right after that fullstop.

I was like, "What are you DOING Cassie???" She promised not to make it into a slash fic. She promised. She did. Luckily, fortunately, and thank god, she wrote in her author's note:

I have bought myself a flameproof igloo and calmly await whatever might come. One can, of course, have a hysterical flaming fit over the DT turning into slash and how physicality will ruin the purity of Harry and Draco's beautiful relationship and so on until one turns blue, but all I can say is that... you really don't know where I'm going with it. Trust me on that. So a more productive line of reasoning would probably be not to wonder whether that chapter ending should exist, but why it does.

She better keep her word on that. If DT turns into a slash fic, I won't read it anymore, because I NEVER read slash fics. But I trust Cassie. She'll come up with a good ending to everything. I won't flame her, and besides she threatens to turn it into a Harry/Snape fic if everybody starts throwing flames at her. And I wouldn't know what to say to that if it actually happens.

Sigh. It has been tiring. Typing endlessly. But I feel happy, because waiting for DV 11 is finally over and done with. Now... we wait for DV 12. But I won't be online much the next few days, it being Hari Raya and all. I have to learn that life does not revolve solely around HP and DT. Hehe. I better spend more time doing housework or something.

I hope to hear from you people about DV 11 soon. At least I hope to hear from Turkey.

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