Saturday, January 09, 2021

 okay okay random midnight fangirl post --

(excuse this as an accumulation of stress with work that has spilled over from 2020 but still hasn't ended)

I was binge-watching random youtube videos and then happened to rewatch BTS's Dope, which FYI was my first BTS video ever, and I'd apparently forgotten how energizing this music and video was. It really is an old classic for them (and I can't believe I've been an ARMY for 6 years now!) I remember seeing this for the first time and how my jaw dropped at the performance; just. I hadn't known it then, but it was the start of the descent into the rabbit hole.

but anyway, the point being. This song is awesome when you need to work and slog! Because it says we hustleeee, we work hard and we're dope, and we don't care what you think. I reject rejection!

and oh man, this is so fun, your energy just goes up.

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