Thursday, April 23, 2020

spoilers for The Last Kingdom, just in case!

currently utterly enthralled with The Last Kingdom,
and awaiting Season 4 eagerly.
I've been having a rewatch of this from the beginning,
and can I say: Uhtred is fast becoming my favourite fictional hero of all time.
He's about to dethrone Lymond, and I never thought that'd ever happen.

Yes, global quarantine time has afforded me the luxury of consuming entire blocks of television; and revisiting this story has been time awesome-ly spent, haha. Both objectively and fanatically, this show is amazing. I actually don't know why I haven't raved about it here before. I am a true sucker for hero stories, and for a long time, Lymond has topped my chart for favourite fictional hero. But now, I don't know, Lymond. Uhtred is utterly amazing. This story is a masterpiece, and quite underrated. I especially love certain character dynamics in this show, the likes of which doesn't exist in Lymond (not quite). And I think, that's what's tipping this show over for me.
The unique relationship Uhtred has with King Alfred is so compelling, and I dare say, is one of the best of its kind I've ever seen on television. Furthermore, acted to perfection. They are enemies or friends or rivals or allies, take your pick. The final conversation between the both of them at the end of Season 3 was so cathartic, and on this round of watching, made me cry like crazy. My goodness, I want to save that scene in my pocket or something.

And the pure, loving friendship with Hild!

I am not Uthred of Bebbanburg, I am not Uthred Ragnarson...

I would say, you're each and all of those men. You will only follow what you truly believe and that is no bad thing. The only thing you're not, is cursed. You're a free man. Your path is your own. You have a choice to make, Uhtred, that is all.

Then I choose you as my greatest friend.

oh my heart! ❤❤❤

Anyway, aside from Netflix, a lot of other times are still spent in front of screens, meetings, reports, and projects. I realised today that I haven't stepped out of my house since Monday, yikesssss. I know it's totally expected of circuit breaker, and I did share with Datin S, that you know, hey, the downtime is actually nice! I get to do the things I should be doing because I have no excuse now. But man, I miss seeing my friends. :( I miss walking out in the world. We had book club via houseparty video conference, and while it did happen, it was certainly not as fun as being physically with a group of people.
Ramadan is coming too!
May the times change for the better,
may we all pray better;
may this challenging time hide a beautiful blessing.
insya Allah!
Happy fasting, and stay safe and healthy, friends!

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