Thursday, September 06, 2018

On many occasions during the early part of the monsoon in the Himalayas, I watched with fascination the emergence of clouds in the clear sky. From the clarity of blue sky a small wisp of white cloud would suddenly appear. In a short while it would grow into a small, fluffy white cloud. If the conditions were right, over time it would gradually swell into a massive, billowing gray cloud full of power and energy that flashed and rumbled. Eventually the dark center of this mass would deposit its contents upon the land below, and following that, I could see its heart collapse. Once the power of the cloud had been dissipated, it would slowly evaporate away until once again all that remained was a small wisp drifting in the vast blue space.

This fascinates me as a metaphor because the emergence of a storm cloud in the early days of the monsoon is so reminiscent of the emergence of strong emotions. What may begin as the wisp of a subtle feeling not yet noticed as anything significant grows into a stronger feeling that starts to draw our attention. Eventually, if the conditions are right, this can become a powerful emotional surge that has the capacity to overwhelm and dominate us as we lose control, driven by its need to express something to dissipate its energy. This may lead us to shower someone with abuse or to burst into tears. Once the core of the emotion has dissipated, the release can enable us to gradually calm down. The remaining feelings can still reverberate around our energy for some time, until eventually they settle back into the ground of our everyday feeling life.

-- Feeling Wisdom, by Rob Preece

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