Thursday, August 09, 2018

There is no coming to consciousness without pain.
People will do anything,
no matter how absurd,
in order to avoid facing their own soul.
One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light,
but by making the darkness conscious.
~ Carl Jung

Why is growing so painful.
I'm thankful though; 
the pain is worth the growth and the light,
and the hope for a better and happier future.

Although when the pain happens,
you wish you could feel anything else but.


and omg,
BTS, I love you guys so much for telling amazing stories.

this one seems to fit so well with my life right now.

I finally realised
so I love me

this was exactly what happened this morning for me,
after hours and hours of tears.
when you truly don't need someone outside of you to approve of you,
you live freer, and you are freer to love truly.

also, like Maya Angelou said,
Don't trust anyone who loves you but doesn't love himself.

You've got to love yourself first, 
for you to be able to love others.
Now that I know better,
I'll do better.


yay omg BTS comeback!

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