Wednesday, December 13, 2017

I have a quarter left of this book I'm now reading, Rising Strong;
and it's about to beat Mindsight off the top of my non-fiction list.

Mindsight was fascinating as a foray into the field of neuropsychology.
Rising Strong is hitting me in the gut, and will remain one of the most important books I'll read in my entire life, I think -- partly perhaps due to timeliness, and partly credit given to its essential subject matter.

I've never cried so hard reading a non-fiction book;
perhaps I've never had any book that triggered my tears this much.
It's actually painful, I'm not kidding. I know I exaggerate often and lavish praises;
but this afternoon, I was sitting in the library reading this and was swiping tears and trying to look out the window so as not to attract attention. I even contemplated having a moment in the bathroom for a good cry. Every chapter she shares brings up painful personal matters that I know I need to address; things about myself I need to confront; stuff I need to manage;

my heart has been breaking, breaking, breaking,
and I can't pretend or hide it anymore.

A Pixar maxim:

The protagonist looks for every comfortable way to solve the problem.
By the climax, he learns what it's really going to take to solve the problem.
This act includes the "lowest of the low".

-- Rising Strong, Brene Brown

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