Thursday, April 27, 2017

unmei ka...

this is making me feel all kinds of notstalgia and old-school fangirling -- 
it's Kame's and Yamapi's drama together, guys! since the legendary Nobuta.
and I'm thinking Yamapi should just stick to weirdo, quirky roles; it works for him.
(I'm sorry, Pi, as much as I was infatuated with you, 
nothing since Akira has worked that well with you.)

Let's rewind 12 years! guhhhhh, look at these two then.
ohmygod, I loved Nobuta so much
and this scene is seriously ridiculously bizarre and funny.

💜  Shuji to Akira and chibi-Yuuto 
(omg this tiny cute boy is super-grown now; I've seen him in HeySayJump stuff) 

the Kame-Yamapi dynamic is so reminiscent of Shuji to Akira, 
I am struggling not to squeal sometimes.
In this drama, Yamapi, just as Akira did with Shuji,
descends into Kame's life, like a whirlwind.

He declares that he is Kami-sama (i.e. God) and turns it upside down,
telling Kame that he should get together with his destined girl already!
or the Earth will end in 30 years.
The shenanigans that ensue, you can just imagine.
It is psycho and hilarious,
and oh my, I have missed the feel of Japanese dramas.

Kdramas have a sheen and a glitz and some are really, really good;
but Jdramas, there's something home-y about them.
Tacky, yet comfortable, and familiar,
real and heart-squeezing;
and oh man, they make me laugh.


Anonymous said...

I just started to watch this too!! And yes Yamapi should just stick to quirky roles lah...
Goodness, looking at Shuji to Akira days and now...they have aged (but so have we). Aiyoh.


Shamiah said...

Haha yes; I can't believe it's that long ago sometimes -- Nobuta power, chunyuu!