Thursday, February 23, 2017

It's less than 2 weeks to my career move out of the hospital to the community -- and my god, the backlog work. Not to mention the typical Muprhy's-law type situation that results in the convergence of this event with other events in my life that leaves me seriously, with miniscule hours of rest.

I am so exhausted, it's ridiculous.

And of course my N-type personality (i.e. the opposite of S; a topic which deserves a separate post on a separate day) does not help me at all because though I plan to do things, I don't end up completing them in the time it was stipulated. What N-people do is delve into a thing for hours on end and don't get out, and when they finally do, they realise, oops, did I over-run? This repeatedly happens to me with all my major projects, so essentially I really cannot have more than one thing (okay, maybe a few things) happening at any one time. And then I get upset with myself because I cannot do all the things I wanted to do well enough.

I will make a long happy post about my thoughts on work/future/plans,
when I am finally out and settled and ready for a new adventure.


eunice said...

"And then I get upset with myself because I cannot do all the things I wanted to do well enough."

Too true, sigh.

Shamiah said...


We need to discuss. I plan to develop my S, enough at least to harness my N.
Because N on its own sadly cannot sustain itself in this cruel world.

Anonymous said...

Going out to the community sounds challenging but exciting! Is it a temporary posting or a permanent transfer?
All the best with it :)


Shamiah said...

Thanks, JW! Technically it's temporary, but we will see........ heheh. (: