Sunday, September 18, 2016

I actually have an arabic test tomorrow and I need to study! But I need to post something first -- because so upset.

And I need to assure myself so...

S, don't worry; here are why being an idealist is awesome:

- you believe in a world of possibilities, not stuck in the mundane and now

- you are brave because you dare to give up something tangible for something possible (hence the cliched phrase daring to dream)

- you have hope in the bleakest and most dire of situations; some people then say, that's too idealistic! well boohoo to you, you give up, I haven't.

- being able to do all of the above means you have an amazing imagination; be thankful for a great mind

- you inspire others; because you earnestly and honestly believe in something bigger, in miracles even. you need idealism to be a therapist. (I especially hate hearing some therapists say things like, "this one cannot make it lah." ohmygod, shut up!)

- you have chosen the harder path; it's not stupid, it's brave. you're not stupid, you're strong. the people who put you down only reflect how weak and cowardly they are.

- you are willing to make sacrifices for your ideals

- someone who holds to ideals is someone with scruples; why would anyone want to be otherwise?

As E and I often lament, people fail to put rigour into their thought process; it is infuriating. I am also reminded of Imam Ghazali, from one of Shaykh Hamza's lectures, who always felt that people rarely brought their arguments to their absolute and final conclusions -- because if they did, they would find truth.

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