Thursday, February 04, 2016

Read this recently: The Differences Between Happiness and Meaning in Life

...even though meaning-making may be associated with negative emotions in the moment, it may contribute to greater resiliency and well-being in the longer-term.

I've been fairly torn and confused about whether it's a good thing or not to be equally negative as well as positive here, feeling pressured about having to put up a strong and positive attitude to things and life -- being adult, does it not apparently mean that you've got things figured out? That you've got two stable feet on the ground, so you bloody-well have no business wallowing about anything or being angsty at all. Or having existential crises at every other turn in life.

But at least this article is saying how a range of emotion is necessary for personal development and growth. So yes, to be constantly upbeat and happy on this blog is not only deceitful, but detrimental to well-being.

I have horrible days at least half the time! And other days that are wonderful.

And I need to get adequate sleep because I am guessing that it's the reason my fuse is getting shorter and shorter these days. And also the reason this post is so disjointed and incoherent.

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