Sunday, March 23, 2014

Nothing like reflecting on the state of this ummah 
to get my head out of my own personal and petty difficulties.

This documentary -- about the relatively recent Arab spring/Egyptian revolution, thanks to my brother's Netflix subscription, was what we watched this afternoon, 
and which subsequently led to our bitching about the state of governments 
and the level of corruption in this world.

Subhanallah, this gets me so angry. I can't imagine myself working in any field to do with human rights and politics, and not transforming into a crazy zealot, seeing the injustice of it all. Like these human rights lawyers who work internationally and try to persecute for war crimes -- they are quite literally heroes. Fortunately, I work at the ground level, one-on-one with individuals, and their health/education problems. If I had to constantly deal with corporations and institutions and simply put, evil and power-hungry entities -- I think I might self-combust from anger. My heart couldn't possibly take it. Not that we can indefinitely escape the effects of problematic institutions that rule our lives.

It's a conundrum.

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