Sunday, February 03, 2013

It's really getting bad -- family dinner tonight consisted of us totally thrashing PAP to bits about Population White Paper and wanting to migrate somewhere decent, and then concluding there isn't any place much great to go anyway, and besides -- I think, why be the very thing that irritates me about Singapore right now? I don't want to be a foreigner crowding some other people's country. Seriously, honestly, I have many non-SG friends -- but this situation is truly upsetting a lot of people and stirring up xenophobic feelings. Please let's not become Dubai, a place I have decided I dislike. Can we please be a country about  building a Singaporean community and not a machine concerned about making enough money? Priorities, please.
And I like this blog post: Rape of our nation.


on a happy note, meet-up earlier today!

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