Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I looked up Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT) and I found a video of the President of the International Aphasia Movement speaking in a sing-song voice.

I cannot speak but I can sing. Now you tell me, does music have power?

It's fantastic!

I remember Eve during PBL telling us about MIT and saying how seriously, when we read about stuff like this, it makes us feel really skeptical. Hah, really, we just teach the client to tap rhythms and say words along with it??? And then they can speak? Stuttering treatments are equally amazing. Honestly, I feel that MIT seems a little like Smooth Speech which people use to treat stuttering.

Or like simple voice therapy where we do fun stuff like lip and tongue trills, or the Accent method where we chant around (honestly, I have no idea how the Accent method works!) -- simple stuff like this, they work miraculously. Somehow.

And it made me think how we always assume big problems need big solutions, but sometimes, the best things come in small, unexpected packages. God is Subtle, yes?

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