Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya!

I had two full days of celebrations, and then put a close to all of it for myself because of upcoming deadlines. I stayed in school late yesterday lest I came home to guests and couldn't get any sort of work done. It's been feeling like a never-ending marathon with Ramadhan and then the thesis and the cases and the learning issues. Exhausting is an understatement.

Raya was the same-old fun stuff (is that an oxymoron?); plus people once again asking when I'm going to be married. Dearies, if it was as easy as ticking a checkbox for you, I would do it just so you'd get off my back. I've been wondering what the threshold age is before they start realising maybe it's not quite so polite to be implying how terrible it is to be single in front of a single woman. All I can say is, thank God I am so much more self-possessed now than I was when I was younger.

Besides, I have never had reason to believe otherwise:

O Allah, when I lose hope because my plans have come to nothing, 
Help me remember that Your Love is always greater than my disappointments,
and Your Plans for my life are better than my dreams.

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