Sunday, April 08, 2012

omg, omg, omg! what -- I didn't know they were making this into a movie, not that I was ever a Rurouni Kenshin fan, or anything, but I had heard of it and how awesome it was, and this seems waaay cool and awesome, that I am only short of physically flailing!!!

It stars Takeru Sato, whom I've always had a hard time deciding if I liked or not, but he does seem quite awesome in this trailer. Excitingz! The hairs on my cheek are standing.

Oh I do love heroes with swords, if you didn't already know. And all that sacrifice and death for honour and love.

And yes, I know I have been fangirling -- let me indulge before stress begins again.


Duck said...

He reminds me of Kame.

Shamiah said...

Agreed. It's part of the reason I have reservations about him, I think. :P

Also!!! Did you know Toma is going to be the lead in a Final Fantasy movie???? Sugoku kakkoi da yo!

Duck said...

No I had no idea about the FF movie. Only knew about his recent movie "Bokura ga ita" which also stars Yoshitaka Yuriko. And that's cos I finally watched the Shiyagare episode with Toma! Quite cute with them recounting past episodes ahaha.

eunice said...

I haven't been to your blog in more than a week, and I didn't know you posted about this!

I didn't even know they were making RK into a live-action movie until my colleague told me about it and he made me watch it at work. Haha.

I don't know how I feel about it. I don't really like the person they chose for Kenshin... And like Duck says, he reminds me of Kame (uh, I feel weird referring to him as that), which is not great. I know the manga/anime tends to portray Kenshin as a quite feminine sort of person (he was even voiced by women in the anime series/anime movies) but I don't know.

I think maybe the main problem is that he doesn't look convincing as a Meiji era character. (I don't like it when actors in period pieces are styled in such a way which reveals the methods behind their styling as obviously modern, if you know what I mean.) His hair obviously makes it tough, but it's the other tiny details too...

And also, live-action!Sanosuke just looks completely wrong to me. In the words of my colleague, "They made him look like some drunken uncle." HAHA!

Bottomline: I'm apprehensive about this whole thing and have to wait to see the actual movie before pronouncing any sort of judgment. Heh.

Shamiah said...

Duck: I want to watch Toma on Shiyagare!!! Please, my brithday present? :P hehehe.

Eunice: Don;t have your expectations so high! Just chill and give it a chance. It might not be too bad.