Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I didn't know until the past sunday that "Wa man takun bi Rasulillahi nusratuhu..." which we always read is from the famous Qasidah Burdah.

And these days, when I rush in between assessment sessions to a corner of the staff hub, where a little prayer corner had been erected, I keep remembering the story of Rasulullah s.a.w. calling Bilal to make the azan: "Arihna, Ya Bilal."

Isn't it amazing. Give us our respite, Ya Bilal. That's what it means. And when your life starts becoming a  hectic blur of events and chasing paper, it only becomes clearer that of course, prayer time is rest time, away from worries of the world; so that for a little moment everything is fine and beautiful and clear and simple, because there's only pleasing God and nothing else. And it's also when you're hit by moments of emotional turmoil wrought by illusions of the dunya, that you also think, Arihni. Take me away from this for a little while; prayer is a gift and escape.

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