Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'm feeling the downward tug of the gloomies on my heart. In other words, I'm about to succumb to feeling upset; but then, I'm remembering what I've seen and heard this past two weeks at attachment and I feel like I shouldn't. (I mean, of course I shouldn't, period, but...) Being in the company of people who actually have something substantial to feel upset about helps puts things into perspective, no? So then I feel upset that I actually shouldn't feel upset! :\ haha, silly much.

But seriously. This past week I've been feeling thankful that I can speak and think and string thoughts together and actually make some sense of the world i.e. my brain is working a-okay (as far as I can tell, of course). I've also been thinking that... there's actually a lot of heartbreak that goes on in this world; and that I've been fairly well-protected thus far from feeling such intense pain, emotional or physical, Alhamdulillah. It scares me a lot, the prospect of such tribulations. God giveth, and God taketh away, right.

Feels like every conscious moment is a gift. Only we often forget.


Away from emo-ness, I'm in trouble with my deadlines again! :\ mou. After almost 20 years of school :OOO, I still haven't gotten procrastination out of my system.

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