Thursday, May 05, 2011

I didn't know Arashi's Blue was such a sad song! you would think the title had given it away. oh, so melancholic.

I want to see you, I want to see you.
It's not a dream, you are for real.
It's painful, It's painful.
That light blue blurs away.

full translation here.

Speaking of dreams: after a nap today (because we have a respite from placement just for this afternoon), I started thinking about dreams in general; a specific question bugged me. Where do the people in our dreams come from? I mean, aside from the people we do know who appear in dreams, sometimes there are these strangers who appear and with whom I sometimes have lengthy exchanges but I don't know who they are! And then I wake up and wonder how my mind conjures up these persons. I dreamt earlier of a pair of parents accosting me about their child and whether he had a (development) problem and I kept saying the wrong thing and making them panic, haha. I assume this has to do with one of the teachers suggesting earlier today that we assess one of the girls for real, but then oops, we remember we aren't supposed to, meh.

I think dreams are magical. Besides the fact that it must have some cognitive benefit in terms of the organization of thoughts and memories and even feelings, I like to believe that it has some unexplained connection to our soul or even larger collections of souls or telepathy or to a separate dimensional plane. (haha, a theory about our strange congruity of thoughts, Eunice?) Kinda like what Carl Jung seemed to hint at, although I've yet to fully understand the ideas he had proposed.

Anyway, Islamically, it has been said that dreams are 1/40th of prophecy, so that's why, you know, we have those special people who have premonitions or knowledge of the non-empirical sort. And we all have had those moments of whoa, deja vu. You go, oh, I dreamt this! as though dreaming of the future is  nothing much out of the ordinary. It reminds me that while a lot of the times our consciousness grounds us in the real sensory world, a lot of the things we experience are actually unconscious stuff that gets stored somewhere inside us, and because somehow they don't dominate our thoughts, we think they don't exist! But then, when something freeeaaakky happens, we're forced to think about it; we think, freeeaaaky. And then just move on with our lives.


eunice said...

Obviously, I have special powers.

Anonymous said...

I thought I was the one with the special powers and directed my thoughts to you.

BUT OH OH ~ could it be, Our Story of you with your telepathic/-kinetic powers is true?! muaha.