Sunday, December 26, 2010

I can't stop feeling nostalgic about fangirling, help. (you have been forewarned)

It's not the same as fangirling itself, which I still indulge in occasionally thanks to my random downloads of Arashi's shows -- but I'm talking more of the fangirling high I had over Yamapi and Maki back in 2008 (the only feeling that managed to somewhat parallel my early teen years of HP madness) and the unstoppable devouring of Jdramas. I keep thinking back fondly of those times and trolling old clips like I did for Nobuta just a few posts back. And feeling all wistful and old about it -- meh. No matter how I may still squeal over Arashi now, nothing will match the high I had back then. Perhaps this is akin to that feeling of falling in love psychologists say some people are addicted to.

I feel like fandom is mostly dead or stg (or am I not frequenting the right places?). I keep feeling or imagining the massive jumping-ship happening from Jpop to Kpop (Arashi being the sole exception), what with Big Bang and KARA slowly taking over young Japan's music scene or stg. Taking over with quality songs, I might add. (I hear some people complain that even Arashi has had a case of bleh songs this year?) Also -- why are there no more fun Jdramas??? really. Gone are the days of Hana Yori Dango, Nobuta and Hana Kimi.

see -- even helloyourself (my favourite LJ community to watch back when it was alive) turned its back on Yamapi for Kim Jaejoong:
And I think, that was the trouble I'd been having with writing any Yamapi/Maki fic lately ~ I've outgrown that first crush and there's been other things - other, shinier, Korean and Naked An An shaped things. I mean, I don't rule out a future collaboration between Maki and Yamapi (Young Japan! Everyone knows each other!) rekindling feelings (but please, no more Kurosagi. EVER. I'm still not over hating the movie.) but it's pretty much a given that I left Team Yamapi a long time ago. I wish him well, I hope his hair gets better, really, because he's attractive, but he's not that attractive to rescue that hairstyle. Not even Kimura Takuya could save that hair, and speaking of which - KT's been drinking of the hair fug well as of late too. Seriously, Japan. Stop with the manperming. It's nearly as bad as when the women do it.
helloyourself cracked me up all the time! I miss them. 

Here's my absolute favourite LJ post by helloyourself; PLEASE READ this hilarious thing: The heart has its reason, of which reason knows nothing. It's their take on why yamaki rocks and just a little bit of nuttiness everywhere.
Perhaps, I thought, there's a reason to why Yamapi's drama characters never get any action.  It's karma -- when you've got to beat them off with a stick in real life, the only way to make sure the universe is balanced is if your fictional counterparts never get the girl.
And I shall sign off my fangirling hour now -- Ja!


Duck said...

HAIRSTYLE. Gosh, for a while in Oct/Nov Sho had a WORMY hairstyle and was criticised by Nishikawa Ayako (the doctor who appears in various variety shows) on Mannequin Five for having hair like "frizzled noodles" - and gosh I felt so THANKFUL TO HER cos that's exactly what it looked like! THANKFULLY the wormy hairstyle didn't last for long. Phew.

Shamiah said...

I have not seen this wormy hairstyle on Sho! @.@ HAHAHAHA. You know. I think I know what I want for my birthday next year. Your latest Arashi downloads. Hah!