Tuesday, November 16, 2010

And oh, Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha! :)

This was the little lamb I tried to chase on the Isle of Lewis, West of Scotland (if my memory serves me). I am still in the process of putting together my photo album, and being ultra ambitious because I'm editing some of the photos via picnik and it's taking seemingly a gazillion years. -.- But when they're done, I think I might put some of the edited versions here. Also, I will get to the random video footage Eunice and me recorded -- there were bits that we recorded while trudging along the roads of Kirkwall and also while hiking up the pretty hill in Ullapool. I'll get to them, I hope, before my course begins next year and I will pretty much be busy for the next 6 years. :O I cannot believe I just said that, but it's true. Never again will I have free time like I do now.

1 comment:

eunice said...

I'm so used to just going to your guestbook to comment that I totally didn't realise the comment function has been activated for your posts! Hahahaha.