Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fandom Talk! -- let me indulge myself now.

This is probably way outdated news in JE world, but Jin, I hear, is seriously and officially out of the picture -- out of KATTUN! For good! Even Johnny apparently admits that all Jin is interested in is trying to succeed in the US. OHMYGOD, wtv, Jin, just go. -___- Good riddance, I say. Go stay in that deluded mind of yours that you're somehow going to make it big in Hollywood and America, where the competition for stardom is one million times tougher than in Japan. There is no golden ticket to fame for the US in the manner of JE in Japan, okay. But just try, why don't you. I think most of us couldn't care less, except die-hard Jin fans, whose love for him I find incomprehensible.

I am actually so glad that Jin is out of the picture, because now, I think, Kattun can work to be a stronger unit and move forward as a team without the scab that is Jin hindering them. And I could perhaps learn to like them without having to be so irritated by the presence of that absolutely arrogant and pompous bag of douche, who is unbelievably and irreconcilably (to me) Yamapi's friend. I suppose I may be being too mean, but uggggh -- I have always hated Jin's character and behaviour and just like Kame, I need to let some of the anger out. (Although Kame is waaay subtle about it.)

Near the end, Kame says, in a light-hearted, joking manner: "And it's not like it's the first time this has happened. We're used to it."; it being Jin's horribly selfish behaviour. One of the comments said: "Is it just me or does the rest of Kattun sound angry...?" Damn right, they're angry! It wouldn't make sense if they weren't! At the very least, Kattun, and I feel especially Kame, has the right to feel indignant. You leave the group once for some petty, selfish reason, jeopardising the group, and yet they welcome you back with open arms; don't expect them to do it again. Once bitten, twice shy, they say.

Oh, Jin, you bad, bad apple. Let's hope some miracle happens and you come back some day with some semblance of humility.

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